
Mental Informatics has developed Expo* (ExpoStar), a software that is the basic tool for any event with an audience, integrating services such as space management, ticket sales, invitation distribution, parking management, people counter, etc.
Expo* consists of four basic functions and with their combination, you enjoy the maximum quality and interaction required for the management, sale and distribution of tickets.
Expo Tickets
It is the basic ticketing and validation software that provides full technical equipment, staff for issuing and validating tickets, senior technician as well as RT replication.
Expo Reg
It is a visitor recording software with an additional feature that it can also run on mobile devices that provides full technical equipment, staff for visitor registration as well as RT replication.
Expo Mob
It is the mobile application with which you can navigate through the exhibition and be informed about all the events and exhibitors. In addition, it enables the exhibitor to retrieve all the data of the visitors of his stand.
Expo Admin
It is the central management system of all the above functions in which it is provided the ability to send invitations via e-mail and sms to customers.
All the above services offered by Expo* can be configured or modified based on your needs.
For more information about Expo* visit our website https://expostar.gr/